SCENE 04: Inside the glitch world, glitch is created. Camera shows establishing shot of glitch world with binary etc. Glitch emerges and starts flying towards binary.

SCENE 05: Glitch infects the first string of binary. Binary changes colour to red once infected and the binary stops moving as well.

SCENE 07: Shows binary (infected) becomes blue or green again, but glitch infects another one, which then creates a chain reaction and infects another.

SCENE 09: Glitch has almost infected the whole world. Camera shows glitch world slowly being infected to the max

SCENE 11: Virus scan works and police orbs start flying around shooting the infected binary and returning it to normal until all is clear.

SCENE 13: police orb drives off camera and the camera shows glitch hiding behind binary.

SCENE 15: Glitch world completely infected and glitch flying about with evil laugh etc…

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