Ok it is the start of the last term. Everything that the group needed to do has to be done this term so we are all on target and ready to begin to finish!
My Easter seemed as if it never even begun, constant work, need to make money and fend for my self because my parents went away for the whole month! this initally slowed my work process down but didnt stop me from working on the project.
During the final thoughts of the whole class in a group discussion and the colour grading tutorial we were given a contact with a sound designer. His name is ROBERT NEWMAN. A second year student. He exchanged email address and phone numbers with alex and were in contact with eachother during the Easter. Alex and I decided to organise and a rendezuious and uni over the Easter for him to meet up with the group and discuss what type of work and sound we are looking for.
After the meeting we, held another meeting to finalise the work load of everyone and Robert is now going to be our sound designer.
He stated straight away that he mainly focuses on sound effects and not actual background music, so as a group we instructed him to do what he can and are ready to take on the bits and pieces he cannot do.
We asked him to bring in some experiments and left our animatics with him but told him to only concentrate on alex's and Rahul;s scenes because i had the intension to completely change my scene in terms of environment ideas!
our next step was rto give him a complete playbast of the whole film so that he can use the correct timing to make his sounds effects ect.
So after viewing everyones work and seen what we had each done over the easter holidays, it was clear to me that the group was on the right path to completing the project which is obviously a good look.
Our new tutor for this term is DAN DALI. We had our first meeting with him on our first day back from easter. our first meeting with him was very positive as he was interested in the concept of the film when we held our presentation in the previous term.
After this meeting with him we agreed to meet every week. He gave some ideasd which we are going to take on board because it will most definatly make a good change to to look of the film! we will not be changing anything to do with the story!
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