I like...

After viewing Natasha's concept art i myself came up with a few design ideas but i would first need to concentrate on creating the inside of a PC first beore adding Tasha's design ideas to mine.
My main focous first would be looking at the motherboard and attempting to create it to the best of my understanging.
first had to do some research looking up different motherboards, and also looking at my motherboard in my PC.

Before concentrating on this idea i will need to recieve a lot more research fo me to be able to get the most out of my idea.
This is moodboard for the epic film "tron" i decided to use this film as refrence because of where the film it self is based "inside a computer"

I also though it would be a good idea to looka into the matrix, mainly because the film it self is based in an world that is not like ore own, it is based in more of a computer based world.

this would be good for my research as it would hepl give ideas as to how to use the bianery codes in my city.

These are a few other images that i feel would hepl me in this project. viewing these images have given me an idea for this computer city.

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